Yeah, me too…



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PHOTO CREDIT: Markus Spiske /

It felt so good to be back in prayer group/Bible study again. I sat there listening to opening prayer requests, jotting down things to pray for … Towards the end the Pastor asked if there was anyone with an unspoken prayer request… Like a wave, nearly everyone rose their hand or spoke an acknowledging “yes”… I sat there as it hit me… Continue reading

Moving, through the seasons…


I love my husband.  He works hard.  Very hard.  He has a vision for what he wants for our family, long term, that I’m grateful for.  I’m so thankful.  But it’s a tough gig being a climber.  It’s a tough gig being the wife of a climber.  It’s a tough gig being the kids of a climber.

One of the challenges is the frequent moving that comes with each rung grasped.  When the kids were small it didn’t phase them.  But now that the kids are entering in the teen waters, it gets harder.  Continue reading

Retailers version of Gunpoint Robbery.


Christmas Countdown.  Saw this today… and everyday the past 11 days.  I think this is the retailer’s version of robbing me at gunpoint.  They just substitute things to make me enjoy it.  Instead of a gun, a chubby Santa.  Instead of bullets, emotions.  And I smile while handing it over.  Clever retailer, clever…

Parent vs. Child


Hard moments.

They come.

Our children have much power in holding our hearts.  We give it to them freely piece by piece as they grow up.  They smile, we give pieces of our heart. They laugh, we give pieces of our heart.  They say their first word, take their first step, present us with handmade art… Piece by piece, bit by bit, we give it and so it goes…

I never realized the weight of such giving. Until I found myself toe to toe, nose to nose, with a younger version of me Continue reading

May you always be a die-hard fan


I took my son out on a mom/son date night.  We went out to eat, walked around some shops, grabbed some coffee, and then went for a drive.  We talked for hours about all sorts of things.  The conversation shifted toward the end of the night towards Church, when my 12 year old son shared his own insight on it…  The conversation went like this… Continue reading

When good parenting goes bad… “The talk” Sex, babies, & 4 year olds


There comes a time in every child’s life when it is necessary for them to sit down with their parent(s) & have “the talk”…  Yes about “where babies come from”.

For my older daughter the time had come. I planned it well.  I put my younger daughter down for a nap.  Sat my beautiful, older, daughter down and we discussed the ins and outs of just how, who, what, and why of all things baby.  It could not have gone better.  She asked questions, I answered honestly. We laughed. We hugged.  It was perfect.

Or so I thought…. Continue reading

Funny and True… a little slice of real life…



Scene: At the mall, my older children seated at a table quietly reading books, me seated at the play area watching my 3 year old play with the other children… Continue reading

Happy Stressgiving!



Awe… The picture of Thanksgiving perfection! …or is it?  Each year this ideal is what we hope to recreate for our families – the perfect menu for the perfect family… ours!

Doesn’t that table look beautiful?!  And that meal, ahhh, to die for!  I don’t know about you but I’d like to pull up a chair and dig in!  Too bad it’s not mine – ha!   Continue reading